all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

find any address or company within the GU31 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 5AA 1 0 51.016034 -0.914864
GU31 5AB 4 0 51.014606 -0.914156
GU31 5AD 8 0 51.017827 -0.912025
GU31 5AE 21 10 51.021926 -0.900252
GU31 5AF 1 1 51.003875 -0.93828
GU31 5AG 1 0 51.024606 -0.8959
GU31 5AH 3 0 51.027826 -0.891274
GU31 5AJ 6 0 51.028012 -0.885295
GU31 5AL 7 0 51.025922 -0.883035
GU31 5AN 8 0 51.02287 -0.886345
GU31 5AP 1 0 51.025008 -0.891798
GU31 5AQ 1 0 51.025294 -0.896439
GU31 5AR 3 0 51.022505 -0.894891
GU31 5AS 16 0 51.017131 -0.895735
GU31 5AT 12 1 51.01241 -0.908164
GU31 5AU 5 0 51.007156 -0.89258
GU31 5AW 18 0 51.021745 -0.889138
GU31 5AX 23 8 51.007001 -0.882948
GU31 5AY 9 1 51.006086 -0.876556
GU31 5AZ 5 1 51.002773 -0.889335